PhenGold Review: Vil dette vekttapstilskuddet øke stoffskiftet og stoppe sultbehov?

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Enten du er en prestasjonsidrettsutøver i en skjærefase eller bare sliter med noe hardt magefett, kan det være en fin måte å slå til på et fettforbrenningstilskudd.

PhenGold er et slikt helsetilskudd som vi har sett annonsert mye, og vi hadde et åpent sinn for selskapets påstander om at det inneholder naturlige ingredienser med vitenskapelig bevis på at de kan hjelpe deg å gå ned i vekt.

I denne PhenGold -anmeldelsen vil vi fortelle deg nøyaktig hva det handler om, hvordan det hevder å gi helsemessige fordeler, og om det er verdt investeringen din.

Hva er PhenGold?

PhenGold er et vekttapstilskudd basert på naturlige ingredienser som produsenten hevder ble valgt på grunn av vitenskapelig bevis på at det kan hjelpe mennesker på en vekttapreise.

Kosttilskuddet tar sikte på å støtte et sunt kosthold og treningsrutine, slik at du kan forbrenne flere kalorier naturlig.

Det gjør dette ved å utløse en naturlig metabolsk prosess kalt termogenese, som øker stoffskiftet ved å øke kroppstemperaturen og målrette mot overflødig fett.

Du trenger fortsatt en negativ energibalanse i kostholdet ditt, noe som betyr at du spiser færre kalorier enn kroppen din bruker.

La oss se nærmere på hvordan det fungerer.

Hvordan fungerer PhenGold

PhenGold virker ved å målrette mot to viktige prosesser i kroppen din som er knyttet til vektøkning: det katastrofale matlysten og stoffskiftet.

Effektiv fettforbrenning

PhenGold vekttap piller ser ut til å inneholde ingredienser som er rettet mot stoffskiftet og få det til å brenne fett raskere.

Det er også noen ingredienser som kan hjelpe vekttapsprosessen ved å redusere hvor mye fett kroppen lagrer. Det kan bety mindre yoyo -effekt på veiene.


PhenGold kan være et vekttapstilskudd i kategorien fettforbrenner, men det betyr ikke at det bare fungerer som fettforbrenner.

En annen del av vanskeligheten med vektkontroll, spesielt diettindusert fedme, er at folk henvender seg til snacks hele dagen.

En godteribar her, en kake der og en ekstra pommes frites som kveldsmat kan forårsake all slags vekt og helseproblemer, spesielt for høyt blodtrykk.

PhenGold hevder å hjelpe med dette ved å inkludere ingredienser som hjelper deg til å føle deg mett lenger, slik at du helt kan unngå de irriterende matbehovene.

Phengolds fordeler og ulemper

Det første vi la merke til da vi leste gjennom kommentarer i Facebook -grupper og anmeldelser på nett, er at så mange rapporterte at de følte en merkbar økning i mental energinivå.

Brukere bemerket også at de gikk ned i vekt mer effektivt og klarte å bryte gjennom platåer som hadde holdt dem tilbake i flere måneder.

Vi liker også å se det når selskaper belønner kjøpere for å bestille i bulk og gir et tilbakebetalingsalternativ hvis tillegget ikke gir deg resultatene du forventet.

Den eneste ulempen vi identifiserte var at den ikke ser ut til å være like god til å håndtere appetitten din som andre produkter.

Det er et område der ingrediensene kan forbedres.

Fordeler :

  • Positive anmeldelser om økt mental fokus og motivasjon
  • Ingrediensene av høy kvalitet ser ut til å fungere godt for økte energiforbruk
  • Gode ​​bulkordrabatter tilgjengelig for kostnadseffektiv langsiktig bruk
  • Pengene tilbake-garanti for en risikofri prøveperiode


  • Begrenset effekt på matbehov

La oss se hva som er i denne vekttapspillen.

Phengold ingredienser

Det første jeg vil påpeke er at dette vekttapstilskuddet faktisk bare inneholder naturlige ingredienser.

Mange andre produkter som vi har undersøkt har en tendens til å kaste i noen få syntetiske stoffer, som vi vanligvis anbefaler å holde seg borte fra.

Ingrediensene tar hovedsakelig sikte på å hjelpe deg å gå ned i vekt ved å utløse naturlige prosesser, så la oss ta en titt på om det er noe vitenskap bak disse påstandene.

1. Grønn kaffe (100 mg)

Grønne kaffebønner er ubrente råbønner, og de kommer med et kraftig stoff som kalles klorogensyre.

Stekeprosessen fjerner mye av det, så du finner ikke så mye av det i en kopp kaffe. Og det er stekeprosessen som skaper koffeinet, så du får ikke en termogen effekt av grønn kaffe heller.

Men vitenskapen har vist at den gjør to ting ganske bra.

For det første kan det redusere hvor mye fett og karbohydrater fordøyelsessystemet ditt kan absorbere og dermed begrense energiinntaket.

Men grønn kaffe kan også utløse hormoner som signaliserer kroppens metabolisme for å frigjøre mer lagret kroppsfett.

2. Green Tea Leaf Extract (500 mg)

Green tea is the ingredient that may have the biggest impact on the body’s natural fat-burning process. Because green tea contains a good dose of caffeine, it may boost your thermogenic metabolism.

This tricks your body into a state where it slightly raises your temperature.

And to get the additional energy needed for this, your body will burn fat and blood glucose.

The other benefit to note is that green tea contains a lot of antioxidants. I used to drink a few cups of green tea for that reason, but I never enjoyed the taste.

The antioxidants are helpful for flushing out toxins that are released from stored body fat cells.

3. L-Theanine (250 mg)

L-theanine is another ingredient that may contribute to fat loss efforts by helping your body become more efficient at absorbing and processing nutrients.

There is also increasing evidence that this amino acid may impact your hormonal levels to keep them in balance to reduce the feeling of stress and anxiety. Studies have also identified some detox benefits in clinical trials.

All that means that L-theanine could help your body absorb nutrients more effectively, store less fat, and remove toxins.

It sounds like L-theanine is a good ingredient to me, and it explains why quite a few other supplements are adding it.

4. L-Tyrosine (300 mg)

I turned to my dietitian and nutritionist for more information on this amino acid as I couldn’t find anything to support it as a weight loss ingredient to boost metabolism and fat-storing processes.

But there is some research that points to L-tyrosine as having a positive effect on your central nervous system.

It may slow down the depletion of adrenaline and dopamine, which have a direct impact on mental focus and exercise performance.

By improving brain function and reducing stress levels, L-tyrosine seems to help athletes to maintain more focus and motivation during workouts and just everyday tasks as well.

5. Rhodiola SP (250 mg)

Rhodiola is another ingredient that could have a good impact on the body’s metabolic rate by releasing more fat.

Now, I wouldn’t expect this to result in a huge energy boost, but there are some reviews that point to it as having a positive impact on physical performance.

It could also be an opportunity for consuming PhenGold as a pre-workout supplement to gain more energy.

We also noted quite a few online PhenGold reviews were highlighting that it may be responsible for reducing physical and mental fatigue.

That combined effect on fat burning and mental strength could make a big difference in weight loss efforts.

6. Cayenne Pepper (200 mg)

Yes, that hot pepper that you might use to spice up your meals a bit could actually be doing a lot to get you to a slimmer figure.

Cayenne pepper is another strong ingredient that science has shown may boost your thermogenic metabolism.

The result is more effective fat oxidation that may particularly help obese individuals. Cayenne pepper may also help with the absorption of the other ingredients meaning that they should kick into action a bit sooner.

OK, that concludes the dietary label list, and as you can see, there are no artificial ingredients to be seen.

But what about negative effects?

Phengold Side Effects

We spent a large part of this research reading through PhenGold review comments online and in Facebook groups. The main reason for this was to see if we could figure a trend in acute effects.

The good news is that unless you have an extremely sensitive stomach, you should have no negative effects. And if you do, then you could always take less than the three capsules recommended to get used to the supplement.

The other thing you may want to do is make sure that you have no history of allergies to any of the ingredients.

It’s unlikely but worth verifying.

Customer Reviews

The weight loss process is no joke. A couple of my friends used the capsules and were pretty satisfied, but I wanted to check what the customers say.

Were there any weight loss results? Did they lose weight, and more importantly, did they experience any weight gain after using the pills? Here’s the information I found:

  • “Over a period of four months I was able to lose 21 pounds. That was the magical number for me because it meant I was finally back to my original weight.” – Kristina
  • “I started working out three times per week and eating healthier. At first, I struggled with eating fewer calories which inevitably led to snacking. That’s when I started to use PhenGold made the biggest difference. Within four weeks of adding PhenGold into my routine, I dropped 9 pounds and lost 2 inches around my waist!” – Laura
  • He noticed a big change in his metabolism and overall energy levels within a couple of days. The first month resulted in losing 6 pounds, and he has continued that steady trend.  – George
  • Gary was looking for a safe fat burner with an all-natural ingredient list that worked well with his bodybuilding stack. Most other supplements that he tried gave him limited results, but PhenGold seems to have worked a treat for a cutting phase.  – Gary

Where Can You Buy Phengold?

We’ve seen it with a few online retailers, mainly Amazon resellers. But I would suggest that you avoid such places as you’re increasing the risk of getting a counterfeit product.

Instead, head straight to the official website to ensure you get the real deal.

It might seem crazy that there are fake fat burners out there. But when you consider that the weight loss industry is worth billions of dollars, you can see how criminals might take advantage.

The official site also tends to have the best bulk order deals, and it’s the only place you’ll get the money-back guarantee for a risk-free trial.

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Get The Most Out Of Phengold

People who want to lose weight often make some fundamental mistakes with supplements like this.

They either double up the dose or take the entire dose in one go each day.

Unfortunately, fat burners don’t work this way, and scientific evidence suggests that you’d just end up flushing out the excess amount.

To get the best weight loss results, stick with the recommended dose and take one capsule before each meal.

And I would also consider adding an appetite suppressant supplement like a high-fiber snack to help you avoid snacking more effectively.


Does PhenGold contain stimulants?

Yes, PhenGold contains stimulants in the form of caffeine. It’s not a huge dose and mainly comes from the green tea extract. The benefit is that caffeine is quite effective at triggering thermogenesis and speeding up weight loss.

When should you take PhenGold?

You should take PhenGold three times a day before each meal. Alternatively, you could take one of the capsules just before your workout, but don’t take it too late in the day to avoid problems with your sleep quality.

Are You Ready For Natural Fat Burning Ingredients?

Based on our research and comparison to other weight loss supplements, we found that PhenGold is a good product to consider for your health and fitness plan.

The ingredients are natural and classified as safe, and people have reported that it helped them get to their ideal body weight when just dieting and exercise had failed.

Order yours today on the official website and see how it might impact your physical and cognitive function while getting rid of some love handles.

click here to order PhenGold online »

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Zahra Thunzira is a Jakarta-based nutritionist and gym instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several blogs and websites. She earned her Master degree in Public Health from University of Indonesia.